Thursday, September 2, 2010
Many things had happened since Minmin and I initially broke up... However, somehow we were still able to get back together and embark on a beautiful trip to Minmin's hometown in Taiping and KL, Malaysia. These are the beautiful memories that we had shared:

Woohoo, A&W

Cute "Model" for new bag

1st train rail train ride, with Minmin!


The three musketeers in KL, street performing
Its a tough job!

Minmin's want to laugh but not laugh face!

Karang Guni Couple :)

Sleepy Minmin

Despite all the cravings for activities other than shopping not being fulfilled, it stil was a truly memorable trip, because for the 1st time, I was able to be with Minmin for almost 24 hrs a day. Simple things like being able to see her 1st thing in in the morning and taking care of her really made me feel very happy.

Our experiences during the one month period that we were apart really made us realise how much we really loved each other. The events in Malaysia made my love for Minmin grow even more and I will cherish every moment that I share with her. Hopefully one day I can hold her hands and walk down the aisle with her.

Message to Minmin: Dun worry so much and be happy! Learn to be more decisive in ur things. Share ur thoughts with me if u need someone to talk to. I will always be there for you.

Ur love, ChunChun


Monday, July 19, 2010
It has been 4 days since you have told me that we cannot be together le.... I still could not accept that you have decided to end our relationship of 2 years and 4 months so abruptly. You said that we could still be frens, but I feel like you wanted me out of your life. You seem determined to end our relationship, removing status and all our photos. You wanted to forget all our memories. Is it so easy to just let go of everything juz like tat? I cant bear to let go. The more I try to let go, The more I think of you.

We have not had a heart-to-heart talk since then we say out all our thoughts and feelings. Throughout these 2 years, we had a lot of ups and downs, and I cherish these moments. As seen in your earlier entries, you have wrote about wat love is all abt. Couples are bound to have unhappiness, disputes and arguments. However, if our hearts beats together, holding hands together, we can solve all problems.

I understand you are tired of all the sadness and unhappy stuff, so I will not force you any longer. All I ask for is for us to be as chatty as last time, being able to share all our thoughts and feelings with each other. Maybe this time as good frens as least.

If we are fated to be together, I believe one day we will be together again.

As long as my heart is with you, I will always be there for you even if we are not a couple.
Thanks for all the love and care you have shown me for the past 2 years and 4 months!!


Thursday, March 26, 2009
1 Year Anniversary!!

This is from my Dear present. It's a photo book that include past photos of us!

Happy to get it!

In the afternoon, dear bought Fried spring chicken from coffee shop and a bottle of grape soft drink to celebrate our anniversary. We play game online and study awhile. Haha! I wrapped a surprise for him too! I hope he will be successful in life and remember our times together so a big collate of all our small photos together and printed it. A simple gift from him and for him. Hard to maintain a relationship but we tried our best. Love keep us going on, hope is forever.


Friday, March 13, 2009
What is love?

Sometimes I don't understand what is love to me? I doubted my love before. Having past relationship doesn't make me a better lover, another failure. When I felt my love becoming complicated, just wanted to let go everything. But can I just let go for this time? I can't bear to leave him now.

Everyone has flaws or inferior points. After much consideration, realised that I can lead him around while he can show me the lively side of the world. My world is dull, he came into my world and add colour. My world become colorful, with best friends around, him and family dotes me, i feel contented. My life is so "entertaining" and is fun to study prelim with me. First time we struggled our studies together.

We share everything, from food till gossips. HaHaHa!

Couples are bound to meet dispute and arguments. In the journey, our hands are tightly holding , our heartbeat beats, solve all the problems together. Even we are in wrong or at fault, we do switch roles to teach each other and grow in our relationship.

Relationship will advance to many stages. Some people name it as love game, some name the last stage of the game as grave, marriage.

When the two has different mindset, or different aim in life, they are not suitable to be together.

i love my dear!!

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {10:12 AM}

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A thousand apologies! I miss you!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {12:07 PM}

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {11:49 AM}

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