Saturday, May 31, 2008
My recent pics --->>>>>

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {10:42 PM}

I just upload all my recent happening, just graduated from SP gt a diploma cert, change my dear is going crazy in the office..

Guess he ate the wrong medicine, become like this ?? >>>>>>

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {10:35 PM}

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Our contracts are finishing soon in NCS. The idea of meeting everyday will soon be a memory. Soon it will be goodbye to NCS.

But the wait is over! Over the past month, dar dar have been worried abt where she will end up doing after the contract ends.

So guess where she will be at?

Yes! She will be studying in Singapore Institute of Management with me in the same course too. Our course will be Accounting and Finance. Congrats darling, you will be fulfilling your dreams. Lets work hard together!!!!!

Together always!! My baby

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {11:30 PM}

Today we bade farewell to out big brother and ronald in NCS cuz it was the end of their attachment. Ytd they received the presents that darling and I went to buy for them. It was handpicked specially for them with a lot of effort and time. I really hope they would appreciate it. Dar picked the Jack and Daniels chocolate for Big Brother Junjie while I picked Gatsby Hair Foam Cream for Ronald.

Probably our last pic wif the "Brothers"

Today darling and I specially waited for Big Brother to finish up all his attachment stuff. Darling was very thoughtful and attentive. She helped him washed his cups, repair and pack his bag. Haha. Darling you are like a good mummy, taking care of our "son"'s everything. Juz like what you had said.

After helping Junjie, we went to JEC to have dinner. I promised darling that we will have pig organ soup as a tonic for her health as she was feeling tired easily from "that". However, she had pasta and baked rice at Pizza Hut instead. Sorry darling, your dear gt memory prob. I bring you for Pig organ soup on another day at another place.

Thinking of you nw! My Darling!

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {10:43 PM}

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
My lovely dar and I have been together for 2 mths le! Hooray!!!! During this period, I notice dar have many different moods, looks and feelings. Dar u see if this is true:

The talkactive and active version:

This was her when we 1st started. Always so full of energy and she talks a lot

The crazy and wild version

This only happens when she is tired or in a really good mood. She will suggest and do a lot of crazy things like suan ppl and ask me to go touch a stranger. Always play around wif mi and PINCH mi! Ouch!

The silent and moody version

When she behaves like this, something must be terribly wrong! Its either she is too tired to even speak or care about things or its my fault. There is no room for errors!

The caring and sweet version

When she feels like this, she cares and help me in almost every thing I do. From work to meals. We share the sweetest moments during this time.

What do you think dar? Guess which one is my favourite u?

U might get a prize for the correct answer

Together every day! Cherishing our moments together. Love u


On Sunday we went to Citilink to walk walk..My dear bought 2 tee cost $10 each..Can you spot where is he in the picture??

Hahahaa...that's right! You 've got no prize..too bad!

Try again later if You never spot him in the picture.

Don't give up!

Keep trying!


Me doing stunt at home taking photos...

Bubbly me..

Perfect me..

Dear how do I look??

Loves him everyday!!


Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tried to take a gd foto of myself using the advice frm lao po dar dar yesterday.

Take a look at how it looks:

Nice mah! Lao po dar dar! My face gt a lot of weakness. Pimples breaking out! Cui! I need facial.

Missing and thinking of u now! dar dar

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {10:50 PM}

Instead of going for our usual date on Saturday, we made full used of the long weekend to enjoy a day in Town on Sunday. However, the day did not started well. Lao po dar dar went to meet her friend today to take her birthday present so she sent me away to some other place as she did not wanted her friend to be jealous of her. Her friend is Mathew.(Did I spell it correctly?) He have never had a relationship before and Lao po dar dar did not want us to affect his feelings of not having a gf b4 when he sees us.

This somehow affected me. Everytime we went out and see someone that we know, we would behave differently as if we arent close. It is hard to bear at times as we already have to hide from our families currently and now when we go out we oso have to hide our relationship from friends. I hate keeping things from people. It feel that it sorts of makes my life more difficult and complicated. Have to think of this and that. I like to do what I wan when I wan and no one can restrict me.

Lao po dar dar then went to find me in HMV and got frustrated when she could not find me. She got frustared again when she could not find me in the toliet later when I went to change my clothes. She is like that, very short temper and impatient. Therefore, during these times, I have to pay extra attention, focus and care on her.

Later that night, lao po dar dar's mood got better after we went to Anderson's. She treated me to a wonderful "Couple Fondou" using her voucher she gotten as a birthday gift from Eileen. Come to think of it, the last time we were here, it was lao po dar dar Bday and I was only her kor kor that time. Things have really changed and it sure
does bring back some memories.

She then had dinner at a Chinese restaurant(dunno the name). I only remember the dish we order "Kolo Mee", so unique.

The menu:

My "Lao po"

Kolo Mee

Me trying to smile and look good (but FAIL)

During dinner, we talked a lot about lao po dar dar's past and life previously, before she knew me. Dun worry my sweetheart, I really loved you very much and will accepted all your past and you for who u r.


Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ya..thats me after a nice wonderful bath..refreshing!!

My dear bought me these DVD from Poh Khim..

I was watching the Pink cover de for the whole day today a free saturday with my Dear online chatting in MSN.

Love him forever!


Heee!!So long never update our blog le..

That's Me at home now..pretty dar??

Yesterday took this pic, my handsome dear dear..

Dear bought me a new ear piece and is pink stylish one.

Yesterday after work, we went to plaza sing for pasta dinner. We always have set A, garlin bread, soup, main pasta. Oh ya, my fav ice lemon tea. Window shopping at Daiso, a ruler for him. I got a set of stationary for him last Saturday. Bought a chocolate calculator, key chain at Mini toons, pens at cold storage, correction pen at popular bk shop. Yeah! My dear dear is going to SIM to study le. So prepare a nice pencil case and all the necessary stuffs for him.

Oh ya, my Dear fold my jacket for me. THis jacket have been with me for more than 3 years le since poly..

Love him always..


Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Woodlands, Lot One was the venue for our date today. Dar was still not feeling well so it was a short one. We had dinner: Fishball mee and went Popular to get the file her mom wanted.

A sick babe

Unique Seats: Wonder how you gonna sit on such seats and not slip off

Our Food

Recently we have been having a lot of squabbles, small quarrels. Dar said that this is common among couples and its better than keep unhappiness in your heart, resulting in miscommunication between them and misunderstanding will occur. I also think that way. Couples must often communicate or else a relationship will deteriorate over time. I even feel that after some of them, our relationship is even stronger and better than ever. However, These squabbles really hurt me a lot and i would rather not have them.

I love so much dar. muacks!

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {11:23 PM}

Monday, May 5, 2008
We meet up today for our earliest date ever: 8 a.m. Why did we meet up so early? Cuz dar needs to go see her specialist in town. It is located in the Orchard building right next to Cineleisure. Dun really remember the name of the clinic though as it was really too long. Feeling really sorry for my dar... She had this skin problem since young and has to constantly go for check-ups every month. When she feels stress, the problem will occur. You are very brave annd courageous dar. I believe one day you will be rewarded and fully recover from this illness.

Then we had breakfast at Burger King before doing a little window shopping to past time while waiting for our movie. We watched "The Dance of the Dragon" starring Fann Wong. Nice movie! It's about a young man in Korea who loves dancing. He travels to Singapore to try and fulfill his dreams. This is the offical site for this movie:

After that, we went back to dar dar's house area to have lunch/dinner as she was tired and did not feel well. Take care dar! muacks!

Meal at Gombak
Tired and blur darling

Pok Pok gei rice

Our water source


Thursday, May 1, 2008
Was at JEC (Jurong Entertainment Centre) today. On our way there, I just notice that today was our 1st date of the week. We were so busy recently with work that we had no time for dates this week. It made me learn to cherish the times I am able to spend with my darling more. When our contract with NCS finishes, we will have less time to be with each other le, as both of us will have different things to be busy with. I will cherish you de my darling.

Back to our date~ We have dinner at Kobayashi, a Japanese fast food restaurant. It was the first time my dar had this and she looked happy. Thats my darling, she likes to try new things and learn new stuff de

The menu

Chicken Katsu set

~And, A special photo taken by my darling~

Artistic right? It came from all the creative juices from my darling minds

After dinner, dar dar went to take her passport size photo in preparation for her registration to SIM(Singapore Institute of Management). Great looking photos as she looked really really cute. Too bad I do not have the pics. :D Even though you are registering for SIM, don give up hope on NTU dar dar. I am sure with your grades, you will definitely be able to go to the course of your dreams. If not, the most we will study together at SIM.

Muacks! Together forever!


What a day today!!! We went to take dar dar's graduation attire today at Serangoon Broadway. It was a really WULU place, in the middle of a group of shophouses located in the middle of Serangoon. Weird place, don understand why the owner would want to locate their shop here anyway. Diaos! The people there also rush dar dar to try on everything. Pigs! You only graduate once mah,only get to wear the attire once so must savour the moment mah.

What was really crazy though was what happen before that... I had to do some last minute work given by our team leader and by the time we went off, it was already 730 already. Dar dar very sweet, waited for me the whole time even though she had finished her work. I knew she was desperate to go collect the attire today so I tried my very best to finish up ASAP! Muacks sorry dar, making you wait. It was good though that we were able to spend time alone at NCS. Our first time dar! haha. After leaving Serangoon Broadway, we had a short and sweet dinner at Burger King. Dar was really hungry and it was easily noticeable as she would be very lethargic and extra Talkative. haha

The graduation attire

Our coupons

My sweetheart looking a little tired and bored

LOVES from your dear!


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