Sunday, June 29, 2008
Time flies... In the blink of an eye we have been together for 3 months le. During these 3 months, we have had many good and bad times: Quarrels, laughter, outings and serious moments. Through such moments, we started to learn and find out more about each others. Understand the feelings of the other half and share everything together. I may not be perfect dar but I will always try my very best to love as much as possible. Muack!

We had our celebration at Crystal Jade Kitchen. It was a surprise for darling at 1st and she was astonished to find out that we were going to Crystal Jade. Her reaction at that time was PRICELESS!!

I will always remember the times we share together darling!! Love u!


Saturday, June 28, 2008
Went for a large large group outing with our colleagues and friends from NCS at seoul garden at Marina Square. Dar went to meet her friends to discuss about her work for web design so we meet up at Westmall 1st b4 joining the others. Dar could not wake up so her fren had to wait for her for ard 30 mins! OMG! Don worry dar, if you worry that you cannot wake up, just tell mi. I can be your alarm clock. Hehe. I also reached Westmall early, so I went browsing for books and found a good book for accounting. Too bad dar have not finished the 1st book so I did not purchase it, thinking she might not have enough time t finish it before the semester starts.

On to the outing, after lunch, we went for the watch the Zohan. Great comedy and full of lame jokes. I recommend it!

Also saw my BMT officer, Yazid, outside the theater. Surprising he still recongize me, despite all the recurits he had seen. Haha i guess i gave him a good impression. After that, we went to the Esplanade to view the NDP rehearsal and fireworks. And for the first time, dar tried subway burger. One of your first times again darling! Muack!!

Here are the fotos:

Lunch at seoul garden


Loving couple?

Fireworks display

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {11:41 PM}

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Took an off day from office today to go to RELC building to make payment for the UOL application and to SIM for our enrollment session. First stop, RELC building. We stopped at the wrong bus stop at 1st due to my lack of confidence in myself, so we took at cab in the end. Sorry darling, I will believe in myself more. When we reach the place to make payment and submit all our documents, suddenly many people flock to the counter as well. We were attracting crowds again haha.

Lunch was at a very unique and special resturant though. Mogu Mogu. Here is the link take a look:

Kissing darling

Handsome dear

What makes the restaurant special is that it does not really have any serving counters or cashiers. It fully utilizes machines to allow customers to purchase food and drinks. Then the kitchen will prepare the food and called out the serving number so that the customer can take their food.

Second stop, SIM. It was the first time dar and I were together at SIM attending a lecture. There will be be many more first times for us in the future haha. Listening to the enrollment talk was very very interesting. It got me really interested in studying. I was so engrossed that dar was surprised and kept laughing at me. I know dar dar has been really excited to be able to study again, she cant wait for the term to start!

I know I might not be perfect!
But at least I love you darling!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {12:59 AM}

Sunday, June 8, 2008

That's me boring sunday at HOME. Didn't have mood to study my PRINCIPLE OF ACCOUNTS now. Still have the UOL form to complete. I bring along with me to office to finish up my master copy of the form. eSSay is the biggest killer in my world. Hope it turns out to be a gOod one.

=Missing my Dear now=

Love him forever!!!


Saturday, June 7, 2008
Following up on yesterday's post by darling (muacks hehe), I accompany her to see doctor about her at orchard building. And guess what? The doctor said that she is recovering well and if she works hard to apply cream n eat medicine in the next 4 weeks, she will not need medicine again. Woo hoo! My wish came true!!! Dar dar sensitive skin has always been a problem for her and soon she will not need to take that smelly and expensive medicine again. Dar dar, you must work hard so you can save money to go shopping and save money for uni hehe. Very soon, you will be able to eat anything that you like and do anything you want. Jia you, Darling!!!!!

Of course then, we had our usual breakfast at Burger King with darling taking the crosian'wich meal and me eating the Big breakfast like meal (dunno what you call that haha). Then we hang out at Cineleisure, waiting for the rain to stop before proceeding to Ngee Ann City to do my bank draft and prepare for Thursday. What will happen on thursday? Look forward to it! Then we had lunch at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe as we had agreed on and planned for a long time ago.

My love for you increases with every day, Darling.
Love u forever! Muacks!!!!


Friday, June 6, 2008
Due to lack of hibernation last weekends, exhuastion overwhelmed me. Many things happened this week and both of us gone through some issue about different working style. I had to admit that sometimes got to handle work, studies, relationship, health matters left me little time to be a thoughtful gf. My Dear reminded me and pointed out my mistakes, told me how he felt these few days. I tend to neglect him, his feelings, etc. We had a small argument yesterday. After umpteen of communications, exchanging our views, trying to figure out what's wrong or what was the "issue" that has arise between us. Sorting out my thoughts soon after he sms me a snap of his apologetic face. He knows me well I guess, unreasonable gf at times. His action touched me showing me care and shower me with infinite love & concern. All this while, he has been tolerating my wilful, hurtful words, etc. Thinking of it, actually I am a lousy gf compared to others? I made a reflection of my action and bad points of myself, came up with something that I want to make a difference in this relationship. Trying my best to improve myself to be a better gf. This phrases, "forgive & forget", "give & take" inspire me and make me realize one thing. In a relationship, both parties have to put in effort to help each other, listen & reflect, that makes our bond to be stronger.
Just had a movie with my Dear, did not realize that our last movie was many few weeks ago. I wanted to watch Kungfu Panda but there were not many choices for seats as all the seats had been taken up selling at fast rate. So, my precious Dear suggest to watch Sex in the City, bought 2 tickets, got a couple seat. We ordered Fish & Chips for our dinner, ice lemon tea for drinks. That's my first time to have a dinner in a movie with my precious Dear. It was dark, could not see my crispy Fish, so end up using a spoon to cut & hold the half piece and bite it. My precious Dear offered to feed me, so sweet & caring of him. My Mr. Nice bf!!!
It was a meaningful, fabulous movie. My precious Dear always know how to chose such an amazing movie to watch. As for me, I am not really good at choosing a movie though. Thinking about the movie, 4 different types of ladies who has individual fate & love stories. My precious Dear reveal me as the lawyer lady who had a kid, got upset in life, grumbled everyday. After accepting her friend advice, they went to consult a marriage consultant to help them in their marriage or rather to save this marriage. The phrase "forgive & forget" do applied in this scenario. This phrase untie knots in couples.
Tomorrow can meet my precious Dear. He accompanying me to the clinic for my skin checkup. So caring of him. Of course, I wish to be with him every minute, that will be another new phase in my life. Now still at beginning stage of relationship.

= ) love my precious Dear forever!!
Miss him too.
See you in lala land.


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