Monday, July 28, 2008
Never before seen pictures that lao po darling did not include:

Yes! We played chess today as well. I taught lao po darling how to play today, and she was able to pick it up very quickly. By the 2nd game, she already could forecast so of the moves that I was thinking of. It is a good game for lao po darling to learn as this game can cultivate patience.

The current score stands at: Lao gong dear 2 : Lao po darling 1

Jia you Baby! You will trash me one day. Haha. This is my face of defeat.

My love and hugs are only reserved for you Baby. I love you! Muack!


We went to Bishan, Dear brought his router to repair at CPF Building today. Having half dAy to clear our offset hours for NCS office, ate yoshinoya for lunch. I bought 4 small lollipops for my small brothers and took some photos of it. They are so cute, bet it is delicious N yummy!! Precious Dear and me pose with the lollipops!!Hahahahaha!!

Love u forever!!
Thanks for everything...


Saturday, July 26, 2008
We had been together for 4 months le. A lot of things happen every month, our lives are always so happening, seldom boring. This past week is no different, with special pic:

We were at AMK hub this friday shopping and having dinner.

Darling's new hello kitty watch, we pick tgt de :-)

Our love for each other can also blossomed. Over the past week, I notice baby darling actually loves me a lot. She would

-buy stuff for me
-care for me
-try her best to pei me
-sms me sweet messages
-sleep early so that she would be in better mood and wont scold me
-give me money when I need it
-play with me
etc etc....

I am so blissful with baby darling. She say her love for me has grown recently WOW! She had announce to the world that we are together. I always thought I love her more than she loves me this past few months but now I understand. Bcuz of her skin, her moods changes and thus she treat me differently. I also feel that I understand her more and more leh. Oh Yeah! Haha

Hope that our love can conquer all ahead of us for the next few years! Study time!

I love you.
Wan hug u.
And kiss u.
Really miss u.


{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {11:15 PM}

My makings of photos!!
Love all em' muacks!!


Saturday, July 12, 2008
Its my turn now to update.
There will be interesting photos, and videos!

Our first lovers' items. Lovers handphone pouch
Still remember dar rushed down secretly at cineleisure during break time from the movie
with the our friends' outing to get this. Thanks dar! muacks

Carrot juice from cheers. This is a part of darling's breakfast everyday
Bread with cheese and ham while I would get her some juice usually carrot juice
Nowadays she has changed her taste. She prefers apple tea. Too bad no pic -_-

One of the secret pics that dar dar has taken without my knowledge
It was taken from my ncs working pass. Look like a death pic hor.
Diaoz :(

We were at AMK Hub for a dinner and movie treat.
I still remember we had chicken rice that day. I feel it wasnt very well taken
My head looks big and dar dar was not smiling at her best.
Still its one of the pics we took together, and Of course I cherish it!

These are all toy packs from the numerous mamee pack we had eaten.
If you can successfully pull them together, you will get a cute and small toy car
During free times in office, I would pull them together and give them to dar as gift of love. Haha
No wonder we grow chubby. No choice have to work hard and eat less to lose it!

Tasty marshmallows beautifully arranged. Wow there are so many flavours!
Dar thought of this idea of taking this pic, and what a pic it turned out to be.
The attachment brothers brought this for everyone to share around before they left.

A very unique picture. If you look closely, it writes garden crawlers
Dar and I went dating at IMM when we saw this.

"I am really sorry" was the topic of this pic. It was the pic that melted dar dar's heart
She was reall angry that time as I had said something that pissed her off.
But upon seeing this pic, her mood changed. YES! HAHA!

We were out shopping with our colleagues to celebrate my bday.
My helpful and caring darling was helping our colleagues choose clothes.
And guess what, they look better in those clothes the next few days when
they wear it to work.
Good taste darling! muack

I took this pic recently when I was out having dinner and drinking
with my long-time buddy, Alvin. He was pouring out his troubles
regarding his relationship and life. We often meet up to talk and
update our lives, then give each other our own opinions.
This is what buddies are for!

Thank you darling for everything! I will share all your sadness, anger and happiness, and nurture you into a better person. Missing dar as I was doing up this blog.

I love you darling!


Friday, July 11, 2008

I am back to update our lives. This is my handsome Dear with his spectacles on, look alike as "Harry Potter" isn't it? Another secret side of him, "Nerdish" looking. His eyes look bigger with his spects on.

A snap shot taken by me in office with his new jacket on. What a dashing guy sitting beside me everyday. My "idol" in office. Oh ya he is posting a hand sign "twist" but too bad, can't see cos I missed it. He was actually make on me while I taking pic of myself. He didn't know he was tricked by me. Wahahahahaha!!!!!! End up his pic was taken instead. So I told him, next time be more "Alert". :P

This was taken after the outing with our colleagues. It was at marina square opposite Subway eat Fresh resturant. A comfortable and unique sofa seat for customer to enjoy their chattting while eating their burger. A small round table too. The "black bag" was my Dear pouch to put his Zen player, ear piece, mobile phone, Ez-link card for MRT. He will hang it at the back of his jeans with the silver safety hook. Cool rite?

This was my brown white strip bag taken while waiting for my delicious burger and my favourite ice lemon tea. And of course my Dear!! Not to miss mentioning him here. Hahahahah!!!


I taken this while waiting for my Dear in the changing closet. I am holding a new pink polo blouse. We went to woodlands for dinner after work. We ate pastamania that evening. I tried the vege mixed but I still prefer my creamy chicken. Yum Yum!!

Hahhaa..I didn't meant to take his pic. But he just came out of the room, just a snap of his face.

+blur+ looking guy. BoobOO!!

Nice lightings above me and the glass panel beside me, can see what is outside this foodcourt. A newly built foodcourt at Lot1. Waiting for my food, pepper lunch!!!! Hungryyyy!!!

I ate salmond pepper lunch dish. A hot and sizzy sound from the hot plate. It's heavy and my Dear could handle them well. Thanks strong arms Dear!! Haahaa..

Blur vision of his Chicken pepper dish. . . A delicious and smells good..lets tuck in!!

Before a trip to SIM, we went to mogu resturant for our lunch. There we go, we have salmond set and my Dear had his fried rice set with steam egg. A cozy japanese style resturant which was new in Singapore. I love FOOD!!! Can see I wore a black tee and my new bag beside me.

Lastly, this is my new hairstyle cut 2 weeks ago with Liyan. My face looks pale, wasn't feeling well as my skin eruption came upon me. Guess I ate the wrong food, resulted in flammation skin. Sorry for unreasonable to my Dear at times and throwing my tempered at him these few weeks. ^_^

Stay tuned for my next update!!

*Love you always*

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {11:07 PM}

Dar was inspired today after seeing some photos today in the office, and we had PHOTO MADNESS! Take a look at them and the location of these photos:

And the best of them all (My favourite):

I love you baby! muack muack! :)

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {10:22 PM}

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