Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today is Reunion day! Finally my ICT has finished and I am back with baby today!

ICT was fun and I missed my friends but its great to be back with baby again. See u guys in a year's time!

Came across an article about pizza hut having discount! We were to take advantage of the student prices!

These photos look like ballroom and wedding photos!

Its great to be a student these days, can enjoy so many student prices and discount. After 2 years of pain without student prices, I am glad to be able to enjoy this special price. Thank you SIM!

We also went crazy playing with my handphone! Behind my plain, boring and innocent face, this is my true self! Watch out you guys~!

Baby I love you!
Just happy that I can see you every day again! muack x 10


Friday, November 7, 2008
Yesterday was our final day together before my ICT begins

And guess what!

We went for KBox session. I used my newly paid Kbox membership card for the 1st time, and accumulated KPoints! Yeah!


Our symbol of happiness

Duet! *Claps!Claps!

Darling also had a performance of a lifetime: Check it out:

Really love darling! Gonna miss her a lot during ICT lo. Hope that I can stay out so I will get to see her. I am already missing u now darling! Can u feel it?

"There is no right or wrong in love. Everyone got the right to love."
I hope "SHE" gets this in her small little brain and dun blame everyone but herself.


Thursday, November 6, 2008
We are together for 7 plus months! Ups and downs during our relationship. Most importantly, being a couple we have support each other through down periods.

What I like about him?

His innocent charming eyes, sweet smiles, sexy voice, blur looking, warmth and comfortable feelings, supreduper bf!

That's me after so many months down the road! Happy schooling with my baby.

His message to me:

He is going ICT which is training in camp or so called reservice. I can't bear to leave him more than 48 hours!! This time round is total of 3455 hours! OMG!

Hope he takce good care of himself and not overexercise. He got so much worries, tests, lessons missed, miss me, etc. I will always be there to help him. Don't worry!

Loving U more each day!
A long way to go but I believe we will make it!
This moment of time I am not afraid to tell U, I really love U adores U need U miss U!

{LOVE YOU FOREVER(: } {10:14 AM}

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