Thursday, September 2, 2010
Many things had happened since Minmin and I initially broke up... However, somehow we were still able to get back together and embark on a beautiful trip to Minmin's hometown in Taiping and KL, Malaysia. These are the beautiful memories that we had shared:

Woohoo, A&W

Cute "Model" for new bag

1st train rail train ride, with Minmin!


The three musketeers in KL, street performing
Its a tough job!

Minmin's want to laugh but not laugh face!

Karang Guni Couple :)

Sleepy Minmin

Despite all the cravings for activities other than shopping not being fulfilled, it stil was a truly memorable trip, because for the 1st time, I was able to be with Minmin for almost 24 hrs a day. Simple things like being able to see her 1st thing in in the morning and taking care of her really made me feel very happy.

Our experiences during the one month period that we were apart really made us realise how much we really loved each other. The events in Malaysia made my love for Minmin grow even more and I will cherish every moment that I share with her. Hopefully one day I can hold her hands and walk down the aisle with her.

Message to Minmin: Dun worry so much and be happy! Learn to be more decisive in ur things. Share ur thoughts with me if u need someone to talk to. I will always be there for you.

Ur love, ChunChun


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